
Explaining "Zones" on the Federal Sentencing Chart

Posted by Sean P. CecilDec 20, 20240 Comments

The Federal Sentencing Guidelines establish a sentencing framework that federal judges use to determine appropriate punishments for convicted defendants. The Guidelines are represented in a chart or "sentencing table," which is divided into four sentencing zones: A, B, C, and D. This article explains how a defendant's zone might affect the guideline sentencing options available to the judge.

NC Cops can Still use the "Odor of Marijuana" as Pretext to Search

Posted by Sean P. CecilNov 11, 20240 Comments

The legalization of industrial hemp led many legal experts to question the ongoing viability of probable cause based upon the odor or appearance of marijuana. A recent North Carolina Court of Appeals ruling seems to have put the issue to rest in favor of a rule that probable cause to believe a crime is occurring still exists when cops claim they smell or see marijuana.

Recent Raleigh Nightlife Drug Arrests by ALE

Posted by Sean P. CecilMay 30, 20241 Comment

Reporting on recent drug busts involving Raleigh night life shows that these actions are part of a concentrated effort focused on downtown Raleigh. These charges may end in federal indictments or remain in state court on trafficking charges; either way many of the defendants will likely face serious mandatory minimum sentences absent the intervention of a skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyer.

Relevant Conduct in Federal Sentencing

Posted by Sean P. CecilJul 24, 20230 Comments

Relevant Conduct is How the Feds Punish Criminal Conduct They Don't Have to Prove. This article provides the basics of relevant conduct for the uninitiated, courtesy of Eastern District of North Carolina federal criminal defense attorney Sean Cecil.

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