Case Results

Speeding Ticket reduced, Failure to Appear Stricken

October 2017

Not something I would normally feel the urge to publicize, but there is a need for lawyers to handle traffic matters and I do that.  I did so yesterday for a woman who had missed her court date, incurring a $250 FTA fine in addition to the penalties of a 78 in a 55 speeding ticket.  She had filed her own motion asking to strike the failure to appear and for a new court date, but the motion was denied. I negotiated a "9 over" speeding violation, and successfully requested that the court  waive or strike the FTA. The result is a good one, because the original ticket would have resulted in a license revocation because it was more than 15 mph over the speed limit that was 55 or greater. 

So, I handle Wake County traffic matters, ranging from DWI, Driving While License Revoked, Reckless Driving, Speeding to Elude, to simple Speeding Tickets. Give me a call if you want to discuss your situation and whether I might be able to help you. 

Practice area(s): Criminal Defense

Court: Wake County District Court

Sean P. Cecil

Sean is an experienced advocate dedicated to justice for all people. He believes that individual human rights outweigh the freedom to make an easy dollar.